Device fingerprinting
Device fingerprinting uniquely tracks and identifies devices used for transacting on your shopping site, increasing your protection from fraud.
Airwallex supports device fingerprinting on your Native API integration using Airwallex’s device fingerprint JavaScript. Once loaded into your shopping site, the script collects the shopper’s browser, screen, device, and interaction data and sends it to Airwallex. Rest assured that Airwallex collects, stores, and uses this data in compliance with PCI-DSS & GDPR.
Follow this step-by-step guide to implement device fingerprinting on your existing Native API integration.
Step 1: Add the script to your shopping site
Place the following script just before the closing </body>
tag on all public-facing pages of your shopping site. The script loads asynchronously and does not affect page load time. We recommend that you load the script on all public user-facing pages. If you are unable to load the script on pages such as payment, login, etc, make sure to have loaded the script at least once before the checkout process is complete.
For testing, change the URL to
Step 2: Add a unique session ID
Replace data-order-session-id
with a unique session ID for the current shopper's checkout attempt. The session ID must be less than 128 characters and can only contain the following characters:
- Upper and lowercase English letters (a-z, A-Z)
- Digits (0-9)
- Underscore (_)
- Hyphen (-)
It's recommended that each Payment Attempt has a unique session ID. As a minimum, make sure each new order or Payment Intent has its own unique session ID.
Step 3: Send the session ID when you confirm the PaymentIntent
When your shopper is ready to make a payment, call Confirm a PaymentIntent API using the value of data-order-session-id
in the device_data.device_id
parameter in the request body.