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As a merchant, you will need information on the settlement status of your transactions to be able to reconcile settlements on the sales and transaction levels.

Airwallex makes it easy to generate reports for your different reporting needs.

Reporting scenarioRecommended reportDescriptionHow to access it?
View all payment activities within a given time periodPayment activity downloadContains all payments transactions across all statuses, including failed and cancelled, and transaction typesDownload from the Payments > Payment Activity tab on the web app. See Transaction report.
View settlement summary and transaction level within a given settlement timeframe or batchesSettlement reportContains all payment transaction entries that have resulted in a change to the settlement amountDownload options from web app: Wallet > Transactions tab, Reports page, Payments > Payment Activity tab (download within a transaction) or Settlements API. See Settlement report.
View fee summary and transaction level within a given settlement timeframe or batchesFee reportContains all fee items that are charged to you for payments acceptanceDownload options from web app: Wallet > Transactions tab, Reports page, or Settlements API