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Settlement report

The Settlement Report contains each and everyone of the financial transactions derived from your payment intents. One payment intent may have generated several financial transactions. The report is available for you either in an .xslx format (readable with Microsoft Excel or equivalent) or in a zip compressed file containing several CSV files (more suitable for automation purposes).

The Settlement report is composed by two sections that together provide you full visibility and transparency:

  • Settlement provides you the detail of all the payments, refunds, disputes and the aggregate view of the fees that are not netted from a specific payment.

  • Fees provides you the detail of all the fees that are bound to a transaction but are not netted from it (i.e. gateway fee, refund fees, fraud fees, etc.). Ultimately, the Fee section total is provided as one single line in the Settlement section flagged accordingly.

Settlement section

The settlement section provides you the principal details associated with the funds remittance you receive. This section is split in several parts containing the values described below.

The Settlement Report is the report header and the fields and possible values are the following:

Account NameName of your account as registered in Airwallex.Alpha Text
Account IdIdentity of your account assigned in Airwallex.Unicode Text (36 character)
CurrencySettlement currency which was used for processing the transaction.Alpha Text (3 character limit) USD, CNY, AUD
Time ZoneTimes zone the settlement time in ISO-8601 format.Alpha Text (9 character limit) UTC+02:00
From DateTime stamp indicating when the settlement starts.YYYY/MM/DD
To DateTime stamp indicating when the settlement ends.YYYY/MM/DD
Batch IdUnique reference number associated with the batch settlement.bat{YYYYMMDD}{Settlement Currency}_1

The Summary By Balance Type is the summary by type of ledger and the fields and possible values are the following:

Balance TypeType of balance included in a report.Alpha Text
Account BalanceThe delta amount of account balance which attributes to the transactions in the batch settlement. This is the net amount, after fees have been deducted.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 100.00
Available BalanceThe delta amount of available balance which attributes to the transactions in the batch settlement. This is the net amount meanwhile after payment reserves(if applicable) have been deducted.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 80.00
Reserved BalanceThe delta amount of reserved balance which attributes to the payment reserve hold and payment reserve release in the batch settlement.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 20.00

The Summary By Transaction Type is the summary by type of transaction the fields and possible values are the following:

Transaction TypeType of financial transactions included in a report.Alpha Text
CountTotal number of the financial transactions included in batch settlement.Number Text
AmountTotal gross amount of the financial transactions included in batch settlement.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 50.00
FeeTotal fee amount which netted from specific financial transactions included in batch settlement.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 5.00
Net AmountTotal net amount of the financial transactions after fees have been deducted included in batch settlement.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 45.00

The Transaction Details is the exploded view that allows you to obtain the above summaries and the fields and possible values are the following:

Transaction IdUnique reference number associated with the financial transaction.Unicode Text (25 character)
Transaction TypeType of financial transaction included in a report.Alpha Text
Source IdUnique reference number associated with the source of the transaction.Unicode Text (36 character)
Source EntityThe object to which the transaction is related.Alpha Text
Time ZoneTimes zone the settlement time in ISO-8601 format.Alpha Text (9 character limit) UTC+02:00
Created AtTime stamp indicating when the financial transaction created.Unicode Text (15 character) 2020/3/24 10:53
Settled AtTime stamp indicating when the financial transaction settled.Unicode Text (15 character) 2020/3/24 10:54
Posted AtTime stamp indicating when the financial transaction posted into wallet.Unicode Text (15 character) 2020/3/24 10:55
StatusStatus of the financial transaction.Alpha Text
Transaction CurrencyOriginal currency which was sent to Airwallex for processing the transaction.Alpha Text (3 character limit) USD, CNY, AUD
Transaction AmountThe amount of the transaction sent to Airwallex for processing and expressed in transaction currency.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 50.00
Exchange RateExchange rate used for converting the transaction amount into the settlement amount.Fixed point number with 6 decimal 1.363512
Settlement CurrencySettlement currency which was used for processing the transaction.Alpha Text (3 character limit) USD, CNY, AUD
Settlement AmountThe gross amount of the transaction expressed in settlement currency.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 68.00
Net AmountThe net amount of the transaction in settlement currency after fees have been deducted.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 65.00
Payment Method FeeFees paid for this transaction related to specific payment method.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 3.50
Interchange FeeFee charged by the Issuing bank.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 2.13
Scheme FeeFee which is charged by Visa / Mastercard.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 3.10
Payment Attempt IdUnique reference number associated with the payment attempt.Unicode Text (30 character)
Payment IdUnique reference number associated with the payment intent.Unicode Text (49 character)
Order IdUnique reference number associated with the merchant order.Unicode Text (49 character)
Request IdUnique reference number associated with the requested transaction.Unicode Text (36 character)
Payment MethodPayment method type of the transaction which was processed.Alpha Text

Fee section

The fee section provides you the details of the non-payment method specific fees. This includes processing fees, fraud fees and other types of fees. Inversely, this section will not include payment method specific costs or FX that are reported in the transaction itself.

The Fee Summary is the report header and the fields and possible values are the following:

Account NameName of your account as registered in AirwallexAlpha Text
Account IdIdentity of your account assigned in AirwallexUnicode Text (36 character)
CurrencyThe currency which was used for processing the feeAlpha Text (3 character limit) USD, CNY, AUD
Time ZoneTimes zone of the fees incurred and settled time in ISO-8601 formatAlpha Text (9 character limit) UTC+02:00
From DateTime stamp indicating when the fees calculation cycle startsYYYY/MM/DD
To DateTime stamp indicating when the fees calculation cycle endsYYYY/MM/DD
Batch IdUnique reference number associated with the feebat{YYYYMMDD}{Settlement Currency}

The Summary By Fee Type is the summary by type of ledger and the fields and possible values are the following:

Fee TypeType of fees included in a report.Alpha Text
CountTotal number of the fees included in batch settlement.Number Text
AmountTotal amount of the fees included in batch settlement.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 50.00

The Fee Details is the summary by type of transaction the fields and possible values are the following:

Transaction IdUnique reference number associated with the financial transaction.Unicode Text (25 character)
Fee TypeType of fee included in a report.Alpha Text
Source IdUnique reference number associated with the source of the transaction.Unicode Text (36 character)
Source EntityThe object to which the transaction is related.Alpha Text
Time ZoneTimes zone the settlement time in ISO-8601 format.Alpha Text (9 character limit) UTC+02:00
Created AtTime stamp indicating when the fee created.Unicode Text (15 character) 2020/3/24 10:53
Settled AtTime stamp indicating when the fee settled.Unicode Text (15 character) 2020/3/24 10:54
Post AtTime stamp indicating when the fee posted into wallet.Unicode Text (15 character) 2020/3/24 10:55
StatusStatus of the fee.Alpha Text
Fee CurrencyCurrency in which Airwallex charge the fee.Alpha Text (3 character limit) USD, CNY, AUD
Fee AmountThe amount of the fee expressed in fee currency.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 50.00
Exchange RateExchange rate used for converting the fee amount into the settlement amount.Fixed point number with 6 decimal 1.363512
Settlement CurrencySettlement currency which was used for processing the fee.Alpha Text (3 character limit) USD, CNY, AUD
Settlement AmountThe gross amount of the fee expressed in settlement currency.Fixed point number with 2 decimal 68.00
Payment Attempt IdUnique reference number associated with the payment attempt.Unicode Text (30 character)

|Payment Id Unique reference number associated with the payment intent. Unicode Text (49 character) Order Id Unique reference number associated with the merchant order. Unicode Text (49 character) Payment Method Payment method type of the transaction which was processed. Alpha Text

Downloading the Settlement report

The settlement report is made available for you through the following channels:

  1. Airwallex web app

    • Login wallet
    • Choose a settlement currency
    • Find a transaction with type of payin and description of settlement
    • Click the line of the transaction
    • Find the download link on the pop-up page
  2. In the Airwallex web app related to each settlement


  1. Through an API you also can download settlement and fee detail reports. Use GET /financial/settlements/{id}/report and you will get the following response containing the settlement report link url.

  2. API

You also can download settlement and fee detail report via the Get a settlement report by ID API


And you will get the following response containing the settlement report link url.


In both cases the filename format used follows the following structure:

  • The zip file for automated processing is generated with the following filename template Reports_{BatchID}.zip

  • The individual reports follow the structure {Report Type}_{BatchID}.{xlsx|csv}

On this page
  • Settlement section
  • Fee section
  • Downloading the Settlement report