Payment method | Local* | SWIFT |
Supported currency(ies) | JPY | AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, CZK, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, HUF, ILS, JPY, NOK, NZD, PLN, RON, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, USD, ZAR |
Payment Scheme | Zengin | |
Flight time (business days) | 0-1 | 0-3 |
Maximum transaction limit | 1,000,000 JPY | No limit |
Ultimate payer displayed | Yes |
* Note that pre-registration is required to enable local JPY payout capabilities, please contact your Account Manager.
Please refer to the sections below for the key required bank details and other considerations for each supported payment method.
Local JPY payout
Required fields | Permitted Data | Notes |
account_currency | 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code | Should be JPY |
account_name | 2-200 characters | Account holder name of the recipient’s bank account (Preferably in either English or Katakana, 片仮名) |
account_number | 7 digits | |
account_routing_type1 | bank_code only | This is a 4-digit number to identify a Japanese bank |
account_routing_value1 | 4 digits | |
account_routing_type2 | branch_code only | This is a 3-digit number to identify a Japanese bank branch |
account_routing_value2 | 3 digits | |
bank_account_category | One of Checking , Savings | Checking: Current (当座) or Savings: Ordinary (普通) account type |
bank_country_code | 2-letter ISO 3166-2 country code | Should be JP |
Beneficiary name
To ensure funds arrive successfully at the recipient bank, it is recommended to provide in only English or Katakana (片仮名) for the following fields:
(for individual beneficiaries)company_name
(for business beneficiaries)
While Airwallex will translate Japanese characters in Hiragana (平仮名) and Kanji (漢字) to English at best effort basis, potential discrepancies may result in payout failures.
Beneficiary address
To ensure funds arrive successfully at the recipient bank, note that it is recommended to provide the full physical address of individual or business beneficiary in only English (Airwallex will translate Japanese characters in Katakana (片仮名), Hiragana (平仮名) and Kanji (漢字) to English at best effort basis). Partial addresses or bank addresses may result in payout failure.
SWIFT payout
Required fields | Permitted Data | Notes |
account_currency | 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code | One of AUD , CAD , CHF , CNY , CZK , DKK , EUR , GBP , HKD , HUF , ILS , JPY , NOK , NZD , PLN , RON , SEK , SGD , THB , TRY , USD , ZAR |
account_name | 2-200 characters | Account holder name of the recipient’s bank account |
account_number | 5-19 digits | |
swift_code | 8-11 alphanumeric characters | Should be a valid and supported BIC-8 or BIC-11 code |
bank_country_code | 2-letter ISO 3166-2 country code | Should be JP |