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OverviewHow Airwallex Issuing worksSupported regions and currenciesSupported card programs
Use Cases
Legacy Issuing APIs
Supported card types (older API versions)Choose your issuing solution (older API versions)Create a card (older API versions)
Card statuses
Create individual cards (older API versions)

Card statuses

This page describes the status transitions for cards.

Status Description Next steps
PENDING The request to create the card has been received and is under review. For individual cards, the cardholder status must be READY for the card request to proceed. If you do not wish to proceed with the card request, you can cancel (CLOSED) the card using Update a card endpoint.
ACTIVE The request to create the card was successful and the card is ready to use. You can choose to cancel (CLOSED) or freeze (INACTIVE) the card using Update a card endpoint.
INACTIVE The request to freeze the card has been successful. You can choose to cancel (CLOSED) or activate (ACTIVE) the card again using Update a card endpoint.
BLOCKED The card was blocked by Airwallex due to suspicious activity. Contact Airwallex to re-activate (ACTIVE) or cancel (CLOSED) the card.
LOST The card has been reported as lost to Airwallex. Contact Airwallex or use Update a card endpoint to cancel (CLOSED) the card.
STOLEN You've reported a stolen card to Airwallex. Contact Airwallex or use Update a card endpoint to cancel (CLOSED) the card.
CLOSED You've cancelled a pending, active, or inactive card using Update a card endpoint or Airwallex has canceled a lost, stolen, or blocked card. No action needed.
FAILED The request to create a card using Create a card failed. Fix any errors and re-submit the request.
EXPIRED This status is unused because Airwallex handles the card expiration process by automatically renewing the card for an additional 3 years. The primary account number (PAN) remains the same, the expiry date and CVV will be updated. The associated `card_id` remains unchanged throughout the renewal process. N/A