Terms & Policies

Identity Verification Terms

Last updated: 7 August 2020

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Airwallex is required to verify the identity of its users, including any person who is the ultimate beneficial owner of your business or who has control of your business (such as a director or a shareholder).

We need to do this to meet our obligations under anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) laws and regulations before you can use our products and services.

You confirm you have the consent of those people and they have expressly agreed for us to verify their identity with our service providers and database owners and specifically for Airwallex to:

(a) make an identity verification request with one or more of our service providers;

(b) verify their identity by electronically disclosing their personal information such as:

(i) their name, residential address and date of birth;

(ii) any information on an identification document such as a drivers licence or passport.

You confirm that you are aware that:

(c) Airwallex may request for our service providers to provide an assessment of whether the personal information you provide matches (in whole or in part) personal information held by them;

(d) our service providers may prepare and provide Airwallex with such an assessment; and

(e) our service providers may use the personal information that you provide for the purposes of preparing such an assessment.

Airwallex may use the following data sources and services providers for the purpose of electronic verification:

  • Trulioo Information Services Inc
  • Experian and any other credit reporting agency that we enter into an arrangement with for the purpose of electronic verification
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Australian Border Force
  • Department of Human Services
  • Australian Electoral Commission
  • Australian State and Territory Births, Deaths and Marriages Registries

Some of these data sources are accessed through the Commonwealth Government Document Verification Service either directly by Airwallex or through a service provider such as Truilio. We may also access information from other data sources not specifically listed.

It's important to note that electronic verification that involves a credit reporting agency does not impact the credit file or credit eligibility of the person.

If you or anyone else we are required to carry out searches on do not consent to these terms, then Airwallex may not be able to provide you with its products or services, and you should not provide us with the information requested. However, we will make available alternative means of verifying identity in certain instances.