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Connected accounts overviewOnboard connected accounts
KYC and onboarding
Embedded KYC component
Hosted OnboardingNative API
Simulate connected account status transition
Handle KYC RFI
KYB and onboarding
Handle Payment Enablement RFI
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Error codes

Embedded KYC component

The Embedded KYC component is a pre-built UI element that lets you onboard connected accounts globally with a single integration. Instead of building your own native onboarding flow, you can now deliver a conversion-optimized, frictionless onboarding experience that leverages Airwallex’s own product improvements.

Key features include:

  • Dynamic adjustment of KYC information collection to meet local compliance requirements, based on country and business model
  • Customized theming to reflect your company's brand
  • Real-time progressive verifications in select jurisdictions, optimized for successful onboarding

To view the onboarding experience offered by the Embedded KYC component, go to the Airwallex demo site .

This page describes how to embed the KYC component into your page to start onboarding connected accounts.

How it works

The diagram below depicts the information flow in an Embedded KYC component integration.

Embedded KYC component

Before you begin

  • Contact your Airwallex Account Manager to enable KYC onboarding using Embedded Components.
  • Obtain your access token by authenticating to Airwallex using your unique Client ID and API key. You will need the access token to make API calls.
  • Explore the @airwallex/components-sdk JavaScript client library reference to familiarize yourself with the Embedded Component methods, parameters, and properties.
  • Install the package
    • Using Yarn or NPM
      • yarn add @airwallex/components-sdk
      • npm install @airwallex/components-sdk
    • Using CDN
      • <script src=""></script>

Step 1: Create a connected account for KYC

Example request

Handle response and error logic. Make sure to save the account_id returned in the response.

Optionally, you can update the account by calling Update a connected account API to pre-fill the information.

Step 2: Initialize the components web SDK

First, you will need to import the components-sdk and then initialize the environment. For details, see Initialize components SDK .

Set up the server for authentication

When the end user, i.e., the connnected account holder, begins the onboarding process, you will need to get an authorization code to authorize them into the Embedded Onboarding workflow. Always get authorization code on the server side, a trusted environment. This prevents malicious users from being able to alter the scope.

When the onboarding page loads, on your server, call Authorize a connected account API by providing your Airwallex connected account ID in the x-on-behalf-of header, and the following required fields in the request:

  • scope: Indicates the resources your application is allowed to access. For Embedded Onboarding, you must provide w:awx_action:onboarding as the scope.

  • code_challenge: Generate a challenge token together with the code_verifier using the S256 generation method as described in RFC 7636 Section 4. code_challenge = BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(code_verifier))). Use a third-party package to generate code_verifier and code_challenge or use the following code example in Javascript.


The authorization_code is returned in the response, which you should then return to the client side as authCode in order to initialize the Embedded Onboarding component.

Step 3: Add the Embedded Onboarding component to your page

To embed the onboarding flow into your page, you will need to create an empty container, create the onboarding component and then mount the element to the container.

Define the onboarding container

First, create an empty container div with a unique id in your onboarding page. Airwallex inserts an iframe into this div on mounting the element.

Create the Embedded KYC component

To create the onboarding component, call createElement(type, options) and specify the type as kyc. This method creates an instance of an individual component. Components are rendered as iframes.

You can also pass options in createElement() to overwrite styles and other functions. All properties are optional. For details, see Onboarding component props .


Mount the element

Call element.mount() with the id of the div container to mount the element to the DOM. This builds an embedded onboarding workflow. The element should only be mounted once in a single onboarding flow.


For all the other methods supported on this component, see Element object methods .

Handle the ready event

Add the ‘ready’ event listener to ensure the Onboarding component is rendered. It's recommended that you show a loading state UI before receiving the ‘ready’ event. You can also use the user’s kycStatus result, which represents the account’s onboarding status, and render different status pages accordingly.


Step 4: Handle the response

Add success and error event listeners to handle error and success events received from Airwallex.


If no error occurred, display a message that the onboarding was successful. If onboarding fails with an error, display the appropriate message to your end user so they can take action and try again. See KYC Element events .

See table below for the common error codes and recommended next steps.

Error codeError messageNext steps
INIT_ERRORNo <parameter> providedCheck the params table for required init options.
INIT_ERRORFailed to authorizeConfirm that the clientId, env, codeVerifier and authCode passed in the init() function are valid.
INIT_ERRORAuth timeoutPlease check if your network connection is stable. If so, please contact Airwallex support.
UNAUTHORIZEDFailed to refresh tokenThe refreshToken might be expired (currently 1 hour). Please redo the entire flow to get a new authCode and initialize the SDK, and then create the element again.
CREATE_ELEMENT_ERRORPlease init() before createElement()Please confirm you have correctly loaded the SDK script using the init() function from our package or the CDN link.
CREATE_ELEMENT_ERRORCreateElement with type <type> not supportedCheck the supported types
MOUNT_ELEMENT_ERRORCannot find element with dom element id: <id>Please check if the container dom id or the dom element passed in the mount() function is valid.
SUBMIT_FAILEDInternal API error: Failed to submit form.Please retry or contact Airwallex support.
UNKNOWNUnknown errorPlease retry or contact Airwallex support.
API_ERROR<API_name> API errorError occurred when calling internal API. Please retry or contact Airwallex support.
- (Console message only)Please initialize Airwallex platform onboarding SDKPlease confirm if you have correctly loaded the SDK script using the init() function from our package or the CDN link.

Test your integration

You may test your integration for various success and error scenarios in the demo environment and then go live in the production environment. Contact your Airwallex Account Manager for test account details.

To trigger SDK errors during testing, use these instructions.

Error CodeHow to trigger
INIT_ERRORCall init() function with unsupported values for options, e.g., await init({env: 'other'}) where other is not supported
UNAUTHORIZEDInternal error, unable to trigger
AUTH_TIMEOUTBlock your network
CREATE_ELEMENT_ERRORCall createElement() function with unsupported element type, e.g., createElement('wrong_type')
MOUNT_ELEMENT_ERRORCall mount() method with a non-existent div id. e.g., element.mount('nonexistent-div-id')
SUBMIT_FAILEDInternal error, unable to trigger
UNKNOWNInternal error, unable to trigger
API_ERRORBlock your network

Example integrations

Explore a full, working code sample of an integration built using React .


How do I customize the Embedded Onboarding component?

We can configure the Onboarding component to reflect your brand’s color palette and logo. Contact your Airwallex Account Manager to enable customization in line with your business requirements.

How do I handle re-entry?

If a user exits the onboarding component then tries to re-enter the details later, you can handle re-entry based on the user’s onboarding status. Use kycStatus from the ‘ready’ event fired when the component is rendered (see Handle the ready event).

  • INIT status: The user will re-enter the onboarding workflow again, and automatically be taken to where they last left off.
  • SUBMITTED/SUCCESS/FAILURE status: The account has already completed the onboarding workflow. You should render different status pages according to the kycStatus result. If you do not handle it, we will show default submitted/success/failure pages accordingly.
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