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Choose your Payments for Platforms solution

Airwallex offers the following payments acceptance solutions for platforms. Note that these solutions are not mutually exclusive - you can use Airwallex payment gateway alongside Airwallex's PSP-agnostic solution.

  • Airwallex payment gateway: Allows marketplaces, SaaS platforms, on-demand service providers, etc., to use Airwallex as their acquirer and settle funds into their platform account or connected accounts for sellers, service providers or sub-merchants.

  • PSP agnostic: Airwallex's PSP-agnostic solution allows marketplaces, marketplace technology providers, orchestrators and other platforms to use their pay-in provider (or 'acquirer') of choice, whilst leveraging the strengths of Airwallex's global payout and account infrastructure.

    • Enables any PSP to settle to Airwallex into a holding account where funds are held until the platform specifies a seller should receive the funds. The solution keeps the platform out of the flow of funds.
    • Best suited for platforms that want to keep their existing acquirer and use Airwallex acquiring as a back-up option, e.g., opening a new geography, or having Airwallex as an additional acquiring option to optimise for cost and authorization rates.