Get 10% off + 1% cashback on Expedia &

Use your Airwallex Borderless Card to pay for Expedia and travel bookings today. Get 10% off instantly on stays. Plus an additional unlimited 1% cashback.*

*See promotional terms here.

Airwallex's special promo -  Expedia 10% off hotel bookings

*See promotional terms here.

Get started in 3 easy steps

high speed
Sign up online

Sign up on this page to open a free Airwallex business account. Take 5 minutes to submit verification documents online.

Top up your account

Once your account is activated, top up via GIRO, FAST, MEPS or wire transfer. For local transfers, funds are usually received in one business day.

Get 10% discount + 1% cashback on Expedia bookings

Create free Airwallex employee cards. Pay for your travel bookings using the Airwallex Borderless card via Expedia or You'll receive 10% off instantly upon payment and 1% cashback in the next month.

Save time and money, so your team can focus on growth

Business card payments being paid via a virtual visa card

Earn 1% cashback on domestic card spend

Save both at home with 1% cashback or abroad with low FX fees as you use your Airwallex Borderless Card.

0% international card transaction fees

No more surprise foreign transaction fees on expenses like software subscriptions or marketing. Reinvest every dollar back into growth.

Auto-convert at our best FX rates for international card transactions

Even when you don’t have the needed currency balance, we automatically convert your funds at our market-leading FX rates.

Get started
Business card payments being paid via a virtual visa card

What is a multi-currency card?

Airwallex multi currency cards

A multi-currency card allows users to make payments in multiple foreign currencies from held balances in an associated local account. It can be used to pay for goods and services wherever traditional credit and debit cards are accepted online.

The Airwallex Borderless Card is a virtual or physical Visa card and can be used wherever Visa payments are accepted.

Create a card
Airwallex multi currency cards

Competitive, simple, and transparent pricing

US business transaction account


Global Accounts in 11 currencies


FX margin

0.4% - 1% above interbank**

US domestic transfers


International transfers


Batch transfers


International card transactions


* All pricing set forth herein is subject to change without notice. Third-party fees (e.g., SWIFT fees, banking partner fees) may apply.

** For card transactions, you will access our interbank rates plus small margin for the following currencies: AUD, USD, GBP, EUR, HKD, CAD, NZD, SGD, JPY, CHF. For rarer currencies, we will use Visa rate.

***For card transactions, you will access our interbank rates plus small margin for the following currencies: AUD, USD, GBP, EUR, HKD, CAD, NZD, SGD, JPY, CHF. For less frequently traded currencies, we will use the Visa rate.

What users say about Airwallex

Airwallex Testimony

"Airwallex has been a game changer for all our banking needs. As a fast-growing startup, we need a scalable yet cost-efficient batch payment solution to pay our employees and vendors both inside and outside Hong Kong. Airwallex helps us save money on every bank transfer with their near-zero transaction fee and market-beating FX rates. We also use Airwallex’s multi-currency Visa cards for business travel expenses and SaaS subscriptions to avoid hidden bank fees that would otherwise have been difficult to spot. Would highly recommend other startups to get started with Airwallex!"

Henson Tsai

Founder, SleekFlow

Airwallex Testimony

"Airwallex has been great for our team - it makes payments and transfers so much easier, and has saved us significant amounts of time compared to what we were doing before with HSBC. Airwallex's platform is easy to use and very intuitive. Airwallex virtual card has solved most of our painpoints with sharing corporate card numbers and credit card limits. The best part is being able to save money on all our monthly bank transfers, and we've already saved thousands of dollars by using Airwallex. Airwallex's support has also been highly responsive to troubleshoot any issues in a timely manner."

Sarah Chang

Co-founder & COO, Forkast.News

Airwallex Testimony

“Airwallex provides us with flexibility and cost savings in dealing internationally. We used Airwallex to receive our recent global fundraising round and pay international suppliers and are saving at least 5% per dollar transferred versus the big banks.”

George van Dyck

Finance Manager, Zoomo

Airwallex Testimony

“Airwallex has been a game changer for us. I cannot recommend these guys enough. The forex services are super efficient and super competitive. The customer service is not gold-plated, it's solid gold. One of the best eCommerce services for merchants we have come across since PayPal hit the scene 20 years ago."

Murray Kester

CEO, Cosmetics Now – eCommerce

Airwallex Testimony

“Having all our global SaaS subscriptions in one place has streamlined our finance processes and enabled better tracking and control of expenses. It’s even better knowing that Airwallex isn’t hitting us with any international transaction fees.”

Warren Durling

Chief Operating Officer, Dovetail – Digital Agency

Airwallex Testimony

“Airwallex is our one-stop shop for all our banking needs, in one easy-to-use interface. Without Airwallex, we would not have been able to scale our business as fast as what we’ve been able to achieve.”

Andrew Ford and Rosa-Clare Willis

Co-founders, Crockd – eCommerce

Airwallex Testimony

“Airwallex saves us $40,000 annually in collections costs from our sales on Amazon, which is the majority of our sales in the U.S. market. It also allows us to ‘repurpose’ our international currencies. For example, if we sell in Europe we can pay European suppliers in Euros as well. There’s no need to ‘double convert."

Edward Agaba

Controller, Dalstrong

Security is at our core


We work with world-class security providers to ensure your funds and accounts are secure at all times.

Highest standards

Airwallex meets the highest international security standards including PCI DSS, SOC1, and SOC2 compliance, in addition to our local regulatory requirements.

Security first

Our modern infrastructure allows us to implement best-in-class security controls which are monitored 24/7 to keep your account safe.


Airwallex US, LLC is registered as a Money Service Business (MSB Registration No. 31000217304395) with FinCEN.

Airwallex US, LLC is licensed or authorized to do business as a money transmitter in some, but not all, states. NMLS #1928093. In the United States, banking services are provided by Evolve Bank & Trust, Member FDIC.

Texas customers click here for information about filing complaints about our money transmission or currency exchange product or service.

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