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Airwallex Open Banking overview
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Get started with Airwallex Open Banking

Interact with Airwallex customers and services as a third-party provider

The Airwallex Open Banking solution provides the third-party providers (TPPs) the opportunity to securely interact with Airwallex customers and products. A ‘Third Party Provider’ is an authorised online service provider that has been introduced as part of Open Banking. TPPs are Account Information Service Providers (AISPs) and Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs). You must be regulated by financial regulatory bodies in the corresponding jurisdictions if you are either an AISP or PISP in the European Union or United Kingdom.

To access the Airwallex Open Banking API, you must use a valid eIDAS certificate or Open Banking (OBIE) certificate. eIDAS certificates are issued by Qualified Trust Service Providers (QTSPs) and a European Trusted List has been published on the European Commission website.

How it works

Airwallex has partnered with to provide an API solution that permits TPP to electronically access financial information in a secure and efficient manner. TPP payment services providers will have the ability to check the availability of funds, to initiate payments on behalf of the account holders or to access account data, such as transaction information. As a result, Airwallex customers will be able to access their account information or initiate a payment through authorised TPP providers. provides an open, secure API for AISPs and PISPs, a Software Development Kit (SDK) is also available to streamline the integration. All functions are documented and freely available at the Token developer portal .

Our partnership with has also allowed Airwallex to enable a publicly available test environment for TPPs to test the Open Banking APIs. The complete documentation and the on-boarding instructions can be found once registered. You can also find Airwallex/ onboarding docs on the developer portal.

For any technical and functional documentation, please submit your request here .

Service availability and performance reports

Find below quarterly reports for service availability and performance.

Service availability reports

Performance reports

On this page
  • How it works
  • Service availability and performance reports