How Bowtie uses virtual corporate cards to streamline its operations in Hong Kong

Discover how Bowtie uses Airwallex to make faster payments across the globe at market-leading rates.

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Bowtie is a licensed life insurance company and Hong Kong’s very first virtual insurer. Built with modern technology and medical expertise, Bowtie’s powerful platform offers medical insurance plans under the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) and other real insurance products to customers instantly and directly.

Company size

50 - 100 employees





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Bowtie regularly pays international service providers located all around the world. Previously, Bowtie used local cards to make overseas payments to its suppliers or service providers, bearing heavy foreign exchange and transaction fees imposed by banks. With the help of Airwallex, Bowtie is able to save on global payments by eliminating such tedious fees.

Challenge 1: Bowtie regularly pays international service providers located around the world

Previously, Bowtie used local cards to make overseas payments to its suppliers or service providers, bearing heavy foreign exchange and transaction fees imposed by banks. With the help of Airwallex, Bowtie is able to save on global payments by eliminating such tedious fees.

Solution & Results: How Airwallex corporate Visa cards help Bowtie save 3-5% FX conversion fees

After using Airwallex, we are able to use their Company Cards to directly settle our foreign currency transactions. Airwallex doesn’t charge us any international transaction fees or TT fees. Their FX rates are also relatively competitive. Through Airwallex, we can save around 3-5% for these foreign currency payments

Gabriel Kung

Chief Commercial Officer of Bowtie

"Airwallex’s webapp allows us to control and set different spending limits for all employees, and manage everyone’s spending on the same platform, which has been incredibly convenient."

Challenge 2: Bowtie spends a lot of time on employee expense reimbursement

Prior to using Airwallex’s service, like most businesses in Hong Kong, Bowtie relied on an inefficient employee expense reimbursement model to pay its staff back for business-related spending.

Solution & Results: How Airwallex corporate Visa cards help Bowtie streamline the process of expense reimbursement

Thanks to Airwallex employee cards, Bowtie is able to issue free virtual Visa cards to its employees instantly online, enabling teams to make purchases easily to get the job done. Not only does this save the company time in expense reimbursement, but Bowtie can also track employee spending in real-time on Airwallex’s online portal to make sure that it is always on budget.

Edwin Wong

Deputy Chief Finanical Officer of Bowtie

"Their FX rates are also relatively competitive. Through Airwallex, we can save around 3-5% for these foreign currency payments."


Airwallex Testimony

Airwallex 改變了我們對銀行業務的需求。作為一家正蓬勃發展的初創企業,我們需要一個有擴展性、同時具成本效益的批量支付解決方案來支付我們香港境內外的員工和供應商。Airwallex 以接近零的交易費用和領先市場的外匯匯率,幫助我們在每筆銀行轉賬中節省金錢。我們亦有使用 Airwallex 的多幣Visa卡,支付出差費用及 SaaS 訂閱開支,以避免極難發現的隱藏銀行費用。我們強烈推薦初創開始使用 Airwallex。

Henson Tsai

SleekFlow 創辦人

Airwallex Testimony


Tomy Wu


Airwallex Testimony


Gavin Black

PURE Group 臨時首席執行官及首席財務官

Airwallex Testimony

在香港很難找到支持中小企的金融服務供應商,我十分感恩能遇上Airwellex。相比傳統銀行,Airwellex 讓我以市場領先的匯率兌換貨幣。Airwellex的網上介面亦非常現代化及清晰易用。 感謝Airwallex 替我們節省了很多不必要的銀行及海外轉賬開支。在短短幾個月,我們已透過Airwellex節省了超過$78,000港幣的費用!

Jennifer Chong

Linjer 行政總裁

Airwallex Testimony

Airwallex 為我們提供靈活、更能節省成本的國際資金流動方案。我們目前正利用 Airwallex 向國際供應商付款,與傳統銀行相比,Airwallex能節省高達90%的交易費用和外匯差額 —— 全歸功於他們具競爭力的匯率和低交易成本。

Kelvin Kan

Homemakase 創辦人

Airwallex Testimony

Airwallex 的全球支付解決方案幫助我們節省國際交易費用和換匯成本,促進我們推動經期健康普及化,成就更健康身體和地球的使命。

Becks Bradley

LUÜNA naturals 銷售及市場總監

Airwallex Testimony

Airwallex 對我們的團隊來說非常有幫助。相比起我們之前透過匯豐銀行進行交易時,Airwallex 的網上平台簡單易用,非常直接,令支付和轉帳變得更容易,為我們節省大量時間。最重要的是,我們可以透過用 Airwallex 轉帳節省成本。在短時間內,我們已經節省了數千美元。除此之外,Airwallex的支援團隊亦十分有效率,面對任何問題都能及時提供解決辦法。

Sarah Chang

Forkast.News 聯合創辦人及營運總監

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