Top 10 global fintech conferences not to miss in 2024

David Beach3 minutes
Business tips
Top 10 global fintech conferences not to miss in 2024

It’s an exciting time for fintech with big changes on the horizon — from the development of artificial intelligence to machine learning. The landscape is changing rapidly, and attending conferences is one of the best ways to keep up with emerging technologies and trends. 

These conferences not only give you an insight into the upcoming trends shaping this exciting industry, but they also allow you to learn from others in the field, network and upskill your workforce, which is essential when you’re trying to stave off competition and remain a leader in your space.

As a global financial platform helping more than 100,000 customers worldwide realise their global ambitions, our team frequents many events throughout the year. We thought we'd share our ‘must-visit’ fintech conferences worldwide. From America to the UK, mainland Europe and APAC. 

Which conferences will make your list in 2024?

Fintech events in the UK

Known as the world's fintech capital, London is the epicentre for leading global fintech conferences. But it’s not just London playing host to innovative finance events in 2024; Liverpool hosts Fintech North for the first time in four years. So, if you’re based outside the capital, there are plenty of local events to check out.  

MoneyLIVE Summit

6-7 March 2024 

ExCel, London

London is hosting the MoneyLive Summit once again. Dubbed “Europe's most senior and banking payments event”, this year’s lineup boasts a variety of banking heavyweights, including Natwest Group CEO David Lindberg and Lloyds Banking Group CEO Jayne Opperman. So if you work in the banking sector and are passionate about the future of payments, it’s an event you shouldn’t miss. 

Innovate Finance Global Summit (IFGS)

15–16 April 2024

The Guildhall, London

The Innovate Finance Global Summit, held at The Guildhall in London, is a leading event in the fintech world, fostering international collaboration and leadership. Over two days, this summit offers insights across three main stages dedicated to exploring fintech innovation, its impact across industries and the risks and opportunities in this rapidly changing sector.

While the detailed agenda is still forthcoming, participants may expect a thorough exploration of current and future fintech trends. In addition to the insightful discussions, The Innovate Finance Global Summit features an exhibition hall showcasing the best of UK fintech. It also provides various networking opportunities, including one-to-one meetings, focused roundtables, networking drinks and a demo area. This summit is an exceptional opportunity for fintech professionals to connect with key industry stakeholders, influential journalists and government representatives.

Other London-based fintech events include the award-winning Pay360 Conference, Fintech Week London, and Fintech World Forum 2024

Check out our full list of UK fintech events.

Fintech events in Europe

The European Union has ensured that Europe is a thriving ecosystem for innovation, and, as a result, many startups call Europe home. The improved digital infrastructure throughout Europe has meant countries like Estonia (headquartering Wise) and Lithuania have come to the forefront of fintech innovation. So, which European fintech events should you watch out for?

Web Summit

11-14 November 2024

Lisbon, Portugal

Named “the world’s premier tech conference” by Politico, Web Summit brings together the industry’s finest to discuss the next steps for fintech. This exciting event draws over 70,000 attendees and more than 800 speakers, and although the lineup for 2024 is yet to be released, last year’s speakers included security consultant Chelsea Manning, President of, Kuo Zhang and Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia.

Money 20/20 Europe

4-6 June 2024

RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre, Amsterdam

This year’s Money 20/20 conference will explore the unwavering collaboration between humans and machines, how machines propel the innovation of the financial landscape and how humans help make this possible. And although not all speakers are confirmed, one is, and it’s none other than the Former President of France, François Hollande. He’s the event’s keynote speaker, and as a supporter of innovation and entrepreneurship through the French Tech Initiative, his keynote session promises to deliver thought-provoking insights into the subject. 

Merchant Payments Ecosystem 

12–14 March 2024

InterContinental Hotel, Berlin

This is a must for the Airwallex eCommerce community! Hosted at Berlin's InterContinental Hotel, this high-profile event is a must-visit for merchant services and payments executives. It focuses on the forefront of payment processing innovations and enhancing user experiences.

The three-day conference features expert-led tracks and workshops tailored explicitly to merchant payment solutions. Merchant Payments Ecosystem boasts an impressive lineup of over 160 industry-leading speakers and brings together more than 350 merchants. Discussions delve into critical topics such as the advancement of open banking, effective strategies in fraud prevention, innovative point-of-sale experiences and acquisition strategies tailored for digital commerce. It’s the perfect fintech networking event to make new connections with top payment service providers, merchants and acquirers. 

Check out our comprehensive list of European fintech events.

Fintech events in the US

America is vast, so, perhaps unsurprisingly, many great fintech conferences and events can be found from coast to coast. Here, we’re sharing two.

AI Summit West

13-14 February 2024

Santa Clara Marriott, Santa Clara 

As a company, we're very curious about how we can use AI. AI Summit West is perfect for CEOs, CFOs, data scientists or engineers who want to learn more about how artificial intelligence is transforming the fintech industry. Over 40 speakers discuss advances in deep learning, advanced machine learning and how AI is applied in the real world. Speakers include Shalini Ghosh, Principal Research Scientist at Amazon Alexa, Sudeep Das, Head of Machine Learning at DoorDash and Natesh Babu Arunachalam, Lead Data Scientist at Mastercard. 

Finovate Spring

21-23 May, 2024

Marriott Marquis, San Francisco

Finovate Spring packs a lot of exciting things into just three days. With over 50 innovative live product demos, over 100 expert speakers (including investors, analysts and solutions providers) and the opportunity to network with over 1,200 senior decision-makers, Finovate Spring is the perfect place to supercharge your knowledge and build meaningful connections. 

Finovate Spring is part of the Finovate group of events, with Finovate Europe held in London and Finovate Fall held in New York. 

Money 20/20 USA

27-30 October, 2024

The Venetian Resort, Las Vegas

The cross-Atlantic twin of the Amsterdam-hosted event, Money 20/20 returns to The Venetian for the 11th edition. Money20/20 USA is one of the world’s biggest, most influential gathering of the global money ecosystem including banks, payments, tech, startups, retail, fintech, financial services, policy, and more. This is where you'll find new connections, business-critical insights from inspirational speakers, innovation, and partnerships you need to ensure your business succeeds for whatever comes next in money.

Fintech events in APAC

In Asia, the fintech industry is booming, particularly in the South East of the continent. So if you’re looking for fintech events in Asia, here are two we’d recommend.

Singapore Fintech Festival

6-8 November 2024

Singapore EXPO, Singapore 

The Singapore Fintech Festival opens its doors once again to over 66,000 attendees. With over 900 speakers and more than 300 hours of content on offer, it’s easy to see why the festival is so popular. The festival is split into six zones: technology, founders, ESG, regulation and talent. Zoning makes it easier for attendees to locate the most relevant content for them, ensuring they can take away the most valuable information.

Fintech Connect Leaders Summit

27-29 August 2024

Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore

CTOs, Chief Product Officers and Heads of Digital Transformation gather yearly at the Fintech Connect Leaders Summit. This summit is a great opportunity to network with and learn from fintech companies, banks and financial institutions from Asia. It’s not just keynote sessions attendees can get involved in; there are interactive workshops, networking sessions and more. So if you’re serious about fintech in Asia, this is the event for you.  

Why attend fintech conferences in 2024?

Attending fintech events is more than just getting out of the office environment for a few days; they can add real value to your business strategy. Here are just a few reasons to invest in fintech conference tickets:

  • An opportunity to network with like-minded professionals. Thousands of finance and banking professionals attend these conferences, so they’re the perfect place to discuss all things finance.

  • Commercial opportunities. Businesses attending conferences are there to get a competitive edge, so they’re in the right frame of mind to discuss commercial partnerships. 

  • Insights into upcoming trends. Knowing what to expect over the next few months or years can give you a competitive edge. Use your newfound knowledge to shape your strategies— attending these events can inspire you.

  • Upskill your workforce. These conferences allow your employees to learn from the very best.

  • Brand awareness. Getting your product in front of your target audience is a dream come true. Getting a stall at these conferences or clinching a speaker spot can elevate your brand.

Before you go 

Although paying for conference tickets can seem frivolous, the opportunity to network with like-minded professionals and hear from innovators in the fintech space can inspire those who attend. With many coming away with new strategies or investing in new technologies to improve productivity and operational efficiencies. 

At Airwallex, we routinely attend fintech conferences to meet customers and new partners and, most importantly, we learn from them. Each year, we gain a clearer understanding of the future of fintech, helping us strengthen our offering.

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David Beach
Content Marketing Manager - EMEA

David manages the content for Airwallex. He specialises in content that helps EMEA businesses navigate global and local payments and banking.

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