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Coconut Bowls eliminates unnecessary conversion fees with Airwallex

How Coconut Bowls, a high growth eco-friendly brand, improved their margins and streamline global finances with Airwallex.

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improvement in profit margins by eliminating double conversions


savings on SaaS like Shopify and Klaviyo from international transaction fees

4+ hours

saved each week from simplified processes

Coconut Bowls provide a sustainable alternative to bowls, inspired by the opportunity to reduce single use plastics.




Byron Bay, Australia

Company size

20 - 50 employees

Airwallex products used

Global Accounts
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The challenge

Before using Airwallex, Coconut Bowls were faced with two challenges:

Unnecessary currency conversions resulting in high fees eating into margins

Coconut Bowls were forced to convert foreign currency revenue to AUD within 72 hours when using their previous FX provider. However, they would then frequently convert that back into USD and other currencies to pay overseas suppliers and contractors.

Highly manual and inefficient processes to manage cash flow

Coconut Bowls were using a variety of finance platforms in their business, such as AMEX for international payments, an FX provider for collecting funds internationally and bank-issued credit cards for managing their online subscriptions. This process was not only time-intensive to manage, it was impacting their bottom line.

The solution

Coconut Bowl boosted profit margins by 3% and simplified global finance processes with Airwallex. They can now collect, hold and pay with multiple major currencies like USD, GBP, EUR and AUD. Eliminating unnecessary currency conversions while having better visibility of their global cash flow in a single place.

Jake McKeon


“Coconut Bowls very quickly attracted global attention and we began making sales in USD, GBP and Euro. Before Airwallex, we were making unnecessarily expensive conversions. Our margins have easily increased by 3% simply by switching to Airwallex.”

About Coconut Bowls

In late 2015, Australian digital nomad Jake McKeon was at a beach in Bali, watching a local man carve and polish souvenirs out of discarded coconut shells. Jake was inspired by the coconut shells, naturally shaped like a bowl, no plastic needed. Thus, Coconut Bowls was born. Coconut Bowls instantly attracted customers on a global scale, and started seeing international sales take-off. Very soon, the team needed a better way to manage their global cash flow that didn’t take a huge clip on each transaction.

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Today, Coconut Bowls has sold hundreds of thousands of bowls to customers in over 150 countries. They have replaced single-use items in more than 600 cafes in Australia.

How Coconut Bowls transformed their Business With Airwallex

Improved their profit margins by 3%

Coconut Bowls can now collect and hold their USD, GBP, EUR and AUD revenues in one place with Global Accounts. They could then pay their suppliers and contractors directly with these currencies at no additional conversion fees. Eliminating unnecessary currency conversions that they were previously forced to make.

Airwallex Global Accounts also gave their wholesale customers the option to pay in their local currency, without Coconut Bowls needing to set up a local business entity.

Saved 3% on their USD SaaS subscriptions like Shopify and Klaviyo

With their fast-growing business, fees on their Shopify and Klaviyo subscriptions were becoming sizable, alongside the 3% international card transaction fees they were paying on them. By simply paying with their Airwallex’s multi-currency virtual cards, the team realised immediate cost savings.

Streamlined processes with better visibility of their global cash flow

Coconut Bowls could now have full visibility of their global revenues and expenses in one place. The integration to Xero also meant the days of manual reconciliation between multiple accounts were over. Now, their transactions automatically sync every hour, saving hours of manual work each week.

Dedicated virtual cards for each major SaaS subscription also gave them better control of their SaaS spend. The team could easily cancel the subscription by cancelling the card, no login details to remember or phone calls to make.

More stories from Airwallex customers

How The Sheet Society saves over AUD$12,000 each month with Airwallex
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Bekijk hoe onze klanten Airwallex vinden

Airwallex Testimony

“Airwallex is een geweldige partner voor Olsam Group naarmate we onze e-commerce merken uitbreiden naar nieuwe kanalen en nieuwe markten. Hun gebruiksvriendelijke interface en integraties zijn een genot voor ons finance team om mee te werken terwijl we groeien.”

Sam Horbye

Medeoprichter, Olsam

Airwallex Testimony

"Voor ME + EM hebben we ons gericht op uitbreiding naar internationale markten zoals de VS, en Airwallex stelde ons in staat om een wereldwijde rekening in USD te gebruiken om geld te innen van ons Amerikaanse PayPal-account. Daarmee besparen we 3% op elke transactie. De samenwerking met Airwallex is heel goed: onze leveranciers worden snel betaald, we hebben een dedicated relatiemanager die geduldig is, een helpende hand biedt en snel reageert. In de nabije toekomst wil ik graag hun betaalkaarten gebruiken om onze advertentiekosten te betalen, zodat we nog meer geld kunnen besparen op onze facturen in USD."


Financieel manager, ME + EM

Airwallex Testimony

"De overstap naar Airwallex was een geweldige ervaring. Voorheen deden we zaken met een traditionele bank om al onze internationale transacties uit te voeren. Deze banken blokkeerden bij elke overschrijving onze rekening, wat erg tijdrovend was. Met Airwallex kunnen we veilig en snel internationale betalingen doen en ontvangen."


Managing Director, Perspective Pictures

Airwallex Testimony

“Vroeger betaalden we Stripe tussen de $5.000 en $10.000 per maand aan conversiekosten omdat de meeste van onze klanten in dollars betalen. Nu we dat geld naar onze Airwallex US dollar-rekening sturen, hoeven we geen commissie te betalen. We hebben tot nu toe meer dan $100.000 bespaard dit jaar.”

Thomas Adams

Oprichter en CEO, Brandbassador

Airwallex Testimony

"We houden van Airwallex! Het heeft onze facturering en betalingen aan aannemers over de hele wereld aanzienlijk vereenvoudigd. Geld verzenden en ontvangen is veel sneller en goedkoper dan voorheen."

Edle Tenden

Medeoprichter, Mobile Transaction

Airwallex Testimony

“We zijn zo blij dat we Airwallex hebben gevonden! Er zijn geen verborgen kosten, ze reageren snel op vragen en we hadden een probleemloze transactie met verbazingwekkende ondersteuning van het team.”

Andreia Beja

Supply Chain Executive, Miss Patisserie

Airwallex Testimony

"Ons bedrijf voor wateroplossingen, Dropterra ( werkt al sinds onze oprichting samen met Airwallex en het is de beste bank- en betalingspartner die een bedrijf zich kan wensen. Internationale transacties zijn eenvoudig, veilig en snel, de technologie is ongelooflijk en hun klantenservice is fantastisch! We kijken ernaar uit om onze relatie met Airwallex uit te breiden en te verdiepen!"

Francois Schramek

Medeoprichter, Dropterra

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